Henne Dam, Weathersfield (2020)

The removal of Henne Dam by the Connecticut River Conservancy and partners, and the replacement of the undersized culvert with a bridge in 2020, provided passage for brook trout and other aquatic organisms to an unnamed tributary to Mill Brook in Perkinsville, VT (in the Town of Weathersfield), within the Upper Connecticut River Basin. Removal of the dam and culvert reconnected and re-established passage (upstream and downstream) of 27 miles of mainstem and tributary habitat on Mill Brook to the Connecticut River. Migratory brook trout and other focal species have access to high quality habitat in cooler tributary streams for spawning and rearing. The project was completed utilizing a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service team, including staff and operators from refuges, Partners for Fish and Wildlife, and coordination from Fisheries and Aquatic Conservation.
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