Dow Pond Dam, Middlebury (2023)

Dow Pond Dam on the Muddy Branch (a tributary of Otter Creek) in Middlebury was fully removed in October 2023 by The Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans).
The summer flood events caused the dam to overtop on August 4, 2023 resulting in the failure of VT Route 116.
The dam was listed as a Significant Hazard Dam and VTrans had acquired construction easements in 2021 after a sinkhole below the dam was discovered on VT Route 116 in 2018 following a large storm event. The Dow Pond Dam was a privately-owned (East Plan Real Estate LLC) earthen -fill dam with a total length of approximately 330 ft and a height of about 20 ft, VT Route 116 runs along the centerline of the dam. Given the transportation significant of VT 116 (Minor Arterial Highway) work to remove the dam and repair the road was initiated immediately.
VT Route 116 failure following overtopping of Dow Pond Dam, Middlebury, Photo courtesy of VTrans, 2023.