May 21 & 22: Help us Plant Trees!

After a dam is removed, the work isn’t done. Next comes reseeding the floodplain and restoring the riparian (streamside) ecosystem for wildlife and water quality. The Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District (NCRD) is organizing a tree planting effort at the site of the former Mill Pond Dam on Indian Brook in Colchester. Will you help?
When: Friday, May 21st and Saturday, May 22nd, 2021
Sign up using this form if you’re interested in participating. Take a morning shift, an afternoon shift, or stay for the whole day. Participants are required to wear masks and sturdy shoes and encouraged to bring their own water, a lunch and garden gloves. Please dress for inclement weather.
Winooski NRCD will provide shovels, freshly washed work gloves for those who don’t have their own, and hand sanitizer. Morning and afternoon shifts will begin with a mandatory safety talk.
The week before the event we will send out reminders, waiver forms, health and safety information regarding latest Covid-19 guidelines, and further location details and parking logistics. We’re so excited for you to join us!
Learn more about the Winooski NRCD at:
Image: Indian Brook after the removal of Mill Pond Dam